Critical Security Patch in Git and GitKraken
The GitKraken team actively monitors security channels to ensure our users are not prone to vulnerabilities and exposures. Please be sure to always update GitKraken to the latest available version.
Releasing the Power of Git
The GitKraken team actively monitors security channels to ensure our users are not prone to vulnerabilities and exposures. Please be sure to always update GitKraken to the latest available version.
In this Git tutorial video, you’ll learn how to create a fork and add a feature to the fork in GitKraken, before pushing changes up to the master repo.
GitKraken v2.5 is now faster than v2.4, SourceTree v2.0, and the CLI. Windows Git client users will notice drastic improvements! See for yourself…
© 2025 Axosoft, LLC DBA GitKraken
winget install gitkraken.cli