Git Blog
Releasing the Power of Git

GitKraken Boards vs Trello
Find out 10 ways GitKraken Boards outshines Trello for developers as an issue tracking and task management tool!

GitKraken v4.1
GitKraken is now stronger and smoother than a lumberjack on Timber. In this release, we’ve increased performance and significantly reduced memory consumption. Plus, GitKraken now supports GitHub, GitLab, and VSTS pull request templates. Find out more…

Saving Bandwidth (and Money) with Cloudflare CDN
We needed a solution for distributing GitKraken downloads and updates that was fast, cheap and required no downtime. Find out how Axosoft’s Director of IT used Cloudflare’s CDN to reduce bandwidth to the GitKraken release server by 100%!

Improving Your DevOps With GitKraken
In this article, learn how to solve common DevOps problems. James Quigley, Director of IT at Axosoft, shares his experiences as a DevOps engineer, the problems he encountered, and solutions for solving them.

GitKraken v4.0
Files can now be edited directly in the GitKraken Git Client, which means it’s easier than ever to start a project, create some files, and start coding! We’ve also added syntax highlighting, split view, and more…

GitKraken Reaches 1 Million Users
The GitKraken Git Client and Glo Boards just reached an incredible milestone of 1,000,000 users! Thank you to all of our users who made this possible. Now let’s get nostalgic and reflect on our journey together to reach one million…

GitKraken v3.6
When it comes to creating pull requests, GitKraken differentiates itself from other Git clients by providing more robust functionality. In this release, you now have the ability to add assignees, reviewers and labels to PRs. Also, you can monitor the status of PRs! Find out more…

Use GitKraken to Go Back in Time
Do you ever find yourself wondering what your project or website looked like a few months ago? Git makes it possible to find out, and GitKraken makes it easy. Find out how…

Pull Requests and Gitflow
Learn about the importance of pull requests in the development process, how to perform a PR, and what to do when a merge conflict occurs.

GitKraken v3.5
You can now create commit message templates for each of your repositories, and GitKraken will now display co-authored commits. Find out what else is new and improved in this release!

GitKraken Now Integrates with VSTS
Connect GitKraken to VSTS to open, clone, and initialize repos onto your VSTS account. And to add/manage remotes and pull requests for any of your VSTS repos. See how…

Learning Git: What are Git Hooks?
Git hooks are shell scripts that trigger when you perform a specific action in Git. In this intermediate Git tutorial video, we’ll explain how Git hooks work and…

GitKraken Partners with AnnieCannons
AnnieCannons is a nonprofit that helps victims of human trafficking start computer programming careers. Find out how we’re working together!

GitKraken v3.3
In this release of GitKraken, GitLab Community and Enterprise Editions are now supported for GitKraken Pro and Enterprise users. See what else is new!

Top 7 Tech Conferences to Attend in 2018
Check out our list of top tech conferences software developers won’t want to miss in 2018. We bring you the when, what, where and why!

GitKraken Tips Roundup VI
Check out our sixth set of GitKraken tips. These 11 GIFS will help you use GitKraken to become a more productive Git user!

GitKraken Partners with Operation Code
Operation Code is a nonprofit that supports military veterans and their families in launching careers in technology. Read one member’s story…

Manage your Git Workflow with Forks
In this Git tutorial video, you’ll learn how to create a fork and add a feature to the fork in GitKraken, before pushing changes up to the master repo.

GitKraken v3.2
See what’s new in the latest version of our Git GUI client. A Favorites list for your repos, multi-select for discard, and more!

GitKraken v3.1
See what’s new in the latest version of our Git GUI client. The commit panel got a Cinderella-style makeover, external diff tools are supported, and more!

GitHub Universe 2017
The GitKraken team will be at GitHub Universe 2017. Participate in our contests to win swag, join our Slack AMA and use our promo code to support Maven!

GitKraken v3.0
In the latest release of GitKraken, we’ve added Git LFS (large file storage) support and made some other improvements. Learn more!

3 Reasons Students Should Use Git and GitKraken
Git is a powerful tool for version control, but it can have a steep learning curve. Using a Git GUI simplifies these 3 workflows & makes Git more intuitive.

GitKraken v2.7
In this release, you’ll discover improvements to some of our favorite gadgets like the Fuzzy Finder, Git hooks and more! Check out what’s new…

How to Use Fast Feedback Loops
Check out these tips on how you can use the Scrum framework and fast feedback loops to increase velocity and improve the quality of your software.

GitKraken v2.6
This release is anything but elementary. Search for all kinds of things, and perform countless actions from the new and improved Fuzzy Finder. See how…

GitKraken Tips V
We’re back with our fifth roundup of GitKraken tips. Check out these 11 GIFs that will help you use GitKraken to become a more productive Git user!

GitKraken v2.5
GitKraken v2.5 is now faster than v2.4, SourceTree v2.0, and the CLI. Windows Git client users will notice drastic improvements! See for yourself…

GitKraken v2.4
Discover who Dan Suceava is, and why our dev team set out to ensure GitKraken would no longer be the recipient of his expletives!

Learning Git: Rebasing in GitKraken vs CLI
Watch these videos to see how a basic rebase performed in the CLI compares to one performed in GitKraken, and what happens when conflicts occur.

Reduxifying GitKraken
When we used Flux for GitKraken, we encountered problems scaling with the architecture. See why we migrated the app from Flux to Redux and the benefits!

GitKraken v2.3
Read about the latest release of GitKraken, which introduces Git hooks support, regional-specific dates, new onboarding, and a free trial of GitKraken Pro!

Introducing GitKraken Walk-In Stores
Beginning Q1 2018, we’re offering a new way to get GitKraken: on Diskette at actual walk-in stores!

Performance Problems and Solutions in React.js Part 1
In part 1 of this series, John Haley, GitKraken Product Owner, lays out the 3 major performance problems encountered during the app’s development…

5 Electron Apps You Need to Try
Electron is a powerful framework that allows developers to create OS-native applications. Check out our favorite lesser-known apps built on Electron!

GitKraken v2.2
In this release, we’re introducing GitLab integration, a new repository management view, avatars in the left panel, HTTP/proxy credential storage and more!

6 Popular Atom Packages
Check out the Atom packages our devs use most! We love this code editor in part because of how easy it is to add packages that extend its functionality.

Introducing Node Sentinel File Watcher
Say hello to the new NSFW that’s entirely safe for work! Node Sentinel File Watcher (NSFW) is a file watching module built by an Axosoft dev for Node.js…

GitKraken v2.1
Happy Valentines Day! Here’s a quick summary of what you can enjoy from this most salacious of software updates…

Axosoft Donates $17K to ACLU
Axosoft donated 100% of GitKraken Pro revenues to the American Civil Liberties Union! Find out why we weren’t alone in supporting the ACLU’s fight.

GitKraken Tips IV
We’re back with our fourth roundup of GitKraken tips. Check out these 9 GIFs that will help you become a more productive Git user!

Learning Git with GitKraken
Git’s actions can be confusing and difficult to conceptualize. Learn how I was able to understand more of Git by using our GUI, GitKraken.

Axosoft Donates GitKraken Pro Revenues to Support ACLU
Axosoft will be donating 100% of GitKraken Pro revenues to the American Civil Liberties Union, for the next 3 days (Feb. 1st – Feb. 3rd). Find out more!

To adopt Git in everyday development, a model called Gitflow was created to help simplify release management. Learn how to get started with Gitflow!

Announcing GitKraken v2.0
We’ve done a performance overhaul so that everything is much more snappy; some operations are as much as 10x faster! Check out what’s new and improved…

GitKraken Pro Joins GitHub Student Developer Pack
We’ve partnered with GitHub to provide GitKraken Pro accounts free for students through the GitHub Student Developer Pack. Learn how to get the GitKraken Git Client and Glo Boards free!

Dev Room Confessions
The dev room is a sacred place where code is made & trust is earned. Find out if you’d survive! *Spoiler Alert* We dish about the GitKraken Chipotle button.

GitKraken Tips III
Check out these 10 GIFs that will help you use GitKraken, to become a more productive Git user!