Git Blog
Releasing the Power of Git

Making GitHub Enterprise Support a Reality
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges the Axosoft dev team faced while implementing GitHub Enterprise support for GitKraken.

GitKraken v1.9
Now with GitHub Enterprise support (and more) you’ll boldly go where you’ve never gone before. Learn more!

The Golden Rule of Rebasing
An easy way to understand rebasing is by examining the timeline in Back to the Future. Let’s talk about Deloreans and the Golden Rule of rebasing!

GitKraken v1.8
We’ve continued improving the left panel, including: branch folders, button tooltips, and filtering! Read more to find out the details.

A Linux User Reviews our Git GUI
GitKraken is a Windows/Mac/Linux Git GUI helping thousands of coders commit with confidence. Don’t take our word for it. Read what one user has to say!

GitKraken v1.7
This release brings some performance and UX improvements to the left panel. Check it out: you’ll feel like your kitchen just got a makeover.

GitKraken v1.6
This is your doorway to the (friendly) upside down! You can now log in to GitKraken with your GitHub account, access your repos and do pull requests in-app!

The Hardest Things About Learning Git
Whether you’re a beginner or pro, there’s always challenges when working with Git. Check out these answers to the top 5 questions about learning Git!

GitKraken v1.5.4
We’ve been listening to your feedback and making improvements to our Git client. Check out what’s new in v1.5.4 of GitKraken!

GitKraken Tips II
These 6 GIFs will show you how to use GitKraken to become a more productive Git user. Check ’em out!

Introducing GitKraken Pro
Learn about the new edition of GitKraken, with even more features, and help raise money and awareness for the Nightscout Foundation, an open source technology project helping those affected by Type 1 diabetes!

GitKraken v1.5 Gives You Even More Control
Our newest release helps you visualize folders and files more easily with Tree View. And find out about upgrading to GitKraken Pro for even more features!

Doing Gitflow in Node: nodegit-flow
GitKraken developers regularly contribute to repositories like NodeGit. Find out about Nodegit-flow and how to use it to save development time!

GitKraken Tips
Learn how to solo a branch, use fuzzy finder, pull any branch, resize the graph, zoom in/out, amend a commit, create a PR, squash commits & more in GitKraken!

Clean Up Your GUI!
The newest features help keep GitKraken organized and even easier to use. Check out Command Palette, Squash and Merge No Fast Forward today!

It’s Here! GitKraken v1.3
New updates like viewing multiple commits and keyboard shortcuts have made their way to GitKraken v1.3. Check it out!

Resolve Conflicts: No Counseling Required
GikKraken’s merge conflict tool helps resolve conflicts right in app in a specialized view that saves you tons of time. Check it out now.

Axosoft GitKraken Announces Contest to Celebrate V1.0 Launch
Axosoft GitKraken celebrates V1.0 launch by announcing a contest with 3 ways to win cash & other awesome prizes! Find out how to enter #GKContest now.

Axosoft GitKraken V1.0
Learn about the new features in Axosoft GitKraken, the Git client for Windows, Mac & Linux. Lots of features & fixes since our last V0.6 article!

GitKraken V0.6
It’s time for everyone to have TOTAL CONTROL over their repos, so now, with version 0.6 we are in OPEN BETA! Here’s what’s new in v0.6.

Axosoft GitKraken: Unleash Your Repo!
An introduction to a beautiful, intuitive and truly cross-platform Git client! Download GitKraken free at

Women in Tech Interview Series
In this Women in Tech interview, read Amy Ayres’ story of entering and excelling in software development–a male dominated field. Then, register for a free webinar about hiring & retaining talented women in tech!

Ink Drops in Water
How we created the abstract, underwater world for the GitKraken website’s atmospheric background video.

Is Project Security that Important?
As a project management, security is important no matter the project. Learn the best ways to secure your data.

Working on NodeGit
Working on NodeGit to git a good, cross-platform option to developers. Learn how devs at Axosoft have taken their latest 30-day project to the next level!