The Cost of Doing Nothing: How Workflow Chaos Wastes 20+ Dev Hours a Month
PRs stuck, merge conflicts piling up, new devs lost in unwritten rules? Even AI can’t fix a chaotic workflow. Teams with optimized processes ship 50% faster. Learn how to eliminate inefficiencies, standardize workflows, and move faster.

Introducing GitKraken Automations: Smarter, Faster, and More Consistent Code Workflows
GitKraken Automations is here! The latest addition to the GitKraken DevEx Platform helps teams streamline workflows, enforce best practices, and maintain consistency—all while reducing manual effort.

Git + Microservices: Mastering Multi-Repo Complexity with GitKraken’s New CLI Tool
Juggling PRs across multiple repositories? Find out how GitKraken’s CLI tool can help you create, group, and merge PRs with ease while staying connected to your favorite Git providers.

GitLens 16: Evolving the Developer Experience with New Home View, Smart Workflows, and Enhanced Git Navigation
Discover the latest and greatest with GitLens 16, including features for enhanced collaboration, PR reviews, filtering code history, and more.

Best Git GUIs for Development Teams in China
Browse popular Git GUIs for development teams around the globe. Whether you’re using a Git client for Windows, macOS, or Linux, there’s an option for you.

Enhancing Git Management in Python Projects
Discover how GitLens transforms Git management in Python projects, enhancing your workflow with powerful features like the commit graph and Launchpad.

Migrating from Perforce to Git
What are the advantages of using Git vs Perforce for version control? Discover compelling reasons why your team should migrate their version control system away from Perforce to Git.

Migrating from SVN to Git: Step-by-Step Guide
Wondering which version control system your enterprise organization should be using? It’s Git! Learn the advantages of using Git, and how to successfully migrate your development team from SVN to Git.

Web Components are Lit with Lit
Explore the use of Web Components and Lit to create a cohesive and efficient UI. See how these tools simplify development and enhance GitKraken’s DevEx platform.
Legendary Git GUI for Windows, Mac & Linux