Learning Git with GitKraken
Git’s actions can be confusing and difficult to conceptualize. Learn how I was able to understand more of Git by using our GUI, GitKraken.
To adopt Git in everyday development, a model called Gitflow was created to help simplify release management. Learn how to get started with Gitflow!
The Golden Rule of Rebasing
An easy way to understand rebasing is by examining the timeline in Back to the Future. Let’s talk about Deloreans and the Golden Rule of rebasing!
A Linux User Reviews our Git GUI
GitKraken is a Windows/Mac/Linux Git GUI helping thousands of coders commit with confidence. Don’t take our word for it. Read what one user has to say!
The Hardest Things About Learning Git
Whether you’re a beginner or pro, there’s always challenges when working with Git. Check out these answers to the top 5 questions about learning Git!
Doing Gitflow in Node: nodegit-flow
GitKraken developers regularly contribute to repositories like NodeGit. Find out about Nodegit-flow and how to use it to save development time!
Resolve Conflicts: No Counseling Required
GikKraken’s merge conflict tool helps resolve conflicts right in app in a specialized view that saves you tons of time. Check it out now.
Working on NodeGit
Working on NodeGit to git a good, cross-platform option to developers. Learn how devs at Axosoft have taken their latest 30-day project to the next level!
Legendary Git GUI for Windows, Mac & Linux