When the harmful effects of the coronavirus pandemic began to accelerate globally, Axosoft wanted to step in and do what we could to help as an organization. While we have always offered GitKraken Pro license free for students, teachers, and nonprofits, we wanted to extend our offerings in these especially trying times.
We recently announced the GitKraken Pro for a Cure Program, offering free GitKraken Pro licenses for teams of up to 25 developers working on a COVID-19 related project.
Learn more about applying to receive free GitKraken Pro licenses for contributing to COVID-19 projects.
Coronavirus Software Stories
After making our Pro for a Cure announcement, our team was flooded with applications. The global response from the software community to help ease the pain and suffering caused by coronavirus has been absolutely inspiring; so much in fact that we wanted to share the stories of the incredible development teams worldwide who are stepping up and using GitKraken Pro to build some legendary software solutions.
COVID-19 School Meal Finder Map 🇺🇸
Hoonuit, a technology solutions provider for educational institutions, has built a School Meal Finder Website, where families in the US can find available free school meals for pickup while these entities are closed due to the virus.
“We understand that schools play a much-needed role in our communities by supplying meals for many students,” says the Hoonuit team. “During this unprecedented time of disruption, we want to help ensure students still have this basic need met.”
The website has over 9,000 meal location sites from US states including Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Tennessee, South Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado California, North Carolina, and South Dakota.

The online coronavirus map supports schools, families, and students, and the locator is available to any educational agency in the United States. For inclusion on the map, agencies may visit this page and complete the application form.
Coronavirus Predictability Calculator 🇨🇴
Individuals worldwide can use Coronability, an online predictability calculator to estimate their chances of contracting and dying from the COVID-19 virus. The estimations are based on self-reported behaviors such as work, social distancing, and personal health habits.

This project is being developed by a small team in Bogota, Colombia. Currently, the website has supported over 18,000 visitors from 76 countries, with the top seven including Colombia, Honduras, USA, Mexico, Spain, Finland, and Ecuador.
COVID Paper-to-Digital Screening Tool 🇰🇪
Health E-Net, a company based in Kenya with a mission of expanding healthcare access by providing remote medical consultations in developing countries, is providing COVID-19 screenings through a unique paper-to-digital approach.
The process begins with a paper-based screening form, which can be used for screening in facilities with very little infrastructure. The forms are then digitized by taking a picture on a smartphone.

Example of paper screening form for COVID-19
Their approach has already proven to have significant impact on public health by revealing antibiotic overuse, leading to a change in clinician behavior in Kenya.
“In Kenya, we’re still in the phase of containing the spread by isolating confirmed cases,” says Health-E-Net CEO, Pratap Kumar. “There are very few testing kits and capacity to test is low. Our tools are likely to become more relevant as the situation progresses, and the response moves into a phase of managing spread.”
Generating Documents for Travel 🇫🇷
Software company CosaVostra, based in France, has created a tool to help residents generate online certificates, which are required to have on your person when leaving your home. If you are caught without such a document, or yours is incomplete, you could be fined €135 (~$150).
The application does not store any personal data, and, at its peak, was generating approximately 500 certificates for French residents daily.
COVID-19 Trackers
The global effect of the coronavirus pandemic is like nothing we’ve seen before in our lifetimes. People are scared; they have countless questions and are desperate to find answers during a chaotic and rapidly changing environment.
In this unprecedented and fast-moving situation, the amount of data to track and distribute is endless. Thankfully, development teams across the globe, like those below, have quickly created tools to track some critical data points.
Tracking the Daily Coronavirus Death Toll 🇳🇱
Netherlands-based Game Tailors has developed an online coronavirus tracker showing the number of daily reported deaths per country.

“Understanding the death rate will help us more accurately estimate how many people are actually infected,” says team member Bas. “We suspect that the reported number of infections is a lot lower than the actual number of infected people, due to the fact that there’s a limited number of tests being done.”
Coronavirus People Tracker 🇧🇷
Brazilian company Mi Vendas is working to develop an application that will track the number of people in a physical establishment.

The intention of the app is to help retail workers and supermarket employees control the number of people within their stores. It is easy to use, with + and - buttons for staff to count incoming and outgoing patrons.
Coronavirus Travel Impact Tracker 🇨🇳
To track the impact and recovery of coronavirus impacts on air travel, Cirium has developed a data visualization tool that shows the number of flights flown vs the number of flights scheduled and cancelled. They are focusing on the China market.

“We have been pushing a lot of information on the impact on aviation due to COVID-19 and the aviation industry is leveraging our tools and data as a leading indicator for when the industry will begin to recover,” says Product Manager, Scott Hopkins.
Tracking Interactions to Prevent COVID-19 Spread 🇮🇹
A team out of Italy has developed an application meant to track interactions between individuals by tracking where their smartphone devices have been.
Each smartphone has an anonymous identification that can be read remotely for short distances using high-precision technologies. This app collects anonymous IDs from smartphones near your device and stores them in a secure, centralized cloud database. If you’ve been near an infected person, you will receive a notification with clear instructions on how to proceed with care.
GitKraken Pro for a Cure
Is your development team working on a project related to the coronavirus pandemic? We want you to use GitKraken to help make your team more productive with Git, so you can assist more people with your important initiatives.
Learn more about the Pro for a Cure program and get instructions on how to apply at gitkraken.com/pro-for-a-cure.