GitKon is coming up on September 22 – 23, 2021 and you’re going to want to reserve your seat when you hear about our awesome speaker lineup!
We have assembled some world-class speakers and thought leaders from different backgrounds and industries to inspire you with Git topics including DevOps, team workflows, Git tips and tricks, and more! Each of our industry seasoned speakers offers a variety of best practices, unique perspectives, and shares a vision for an even greater future for collaboration and success through Git.
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to learn from Git experts across the world – FOR FREE!
Leslie Chapman of Comcast
Leslie Chapman is a distinguished Software Engineer at Comcast. She was one of the technical leads for the X1 Comcast platform that serves over 35 million customers. She is passionate about encouraging young women to enter the tech field and spends a lot of time volunteering with organizations that teach coding to women.
Leslie’s talk, “Harnessing the Power of Git to Improve your Team and Yourself” will walk you through how she has used Git to analyze her team’s processes to improve them. She will also talk about how individual contributors can use GitHub’s analytics to quantify their contributions to the team for a spectacular year-end review!
We are super excited to hear from an expert like Leslie on such a highly relevant topic; at GitKraken, we also believe advancements in team collaboration will help direct the future of Git.
Brendan O’Leary on DORA Metrics
Brendan O’Leary is a Senior Developer Evangelist for GitLab. An open source enthusiast, Dylan enjoys sharing his work about cutting-edge technologies on conference panels, meetups, contributed articles, and blogs.
In Brendan’s talk, “Exploring DORA Mapping DevOps Performance” you’ll learn about the DORA 4 metrics and their significance in determining overall team performance in organizations large and small.
We can’t wait for this relevant talk focusing on improving team performance, as that has been a major focus of the GitKraken team in each iteration of our product.
Michael Miles of MIT Sloan

Mike Miles is the Director of Web Development at MIT Sloan, Mike leads the development, maintenance, and growth of the digital properties for the school, as well as, the development team that supports them. He is also the host of the podcast Developing Up, which is focused on career growth and the non-technical side of being a developer.
In his session “How To Manage Releases Using Git Tags And Semantic Versioning” he will focus on ways to easily manage and communicate changes in code releases, as that is fundamental to the long-term success of teams and projects using Git to manage the codebase. He believes using a standard versioning system, such as semantic versioning, and knowing how to easily tag a git repository with a proper release number, helps teams easily manage their growing product.
We know the GitKon audience is going to love learning about how the team at MIT makes their magic happen!
Adam Culp on Amazon ECS
Adam is a Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services, passionate about developing web applications and contributor to open source. Adam is the organizer of SunshinePHP and the South Florida Users Group (SoFloPHP and SoFloPy). We are proud to have him represent the PHP community at GitKon.
Adam’s talk, “GitHub Actions for automated CI/CD deployment to an AWS containerized stack” will teach you how to predictably provision applications at scale while simultaneously providing a high degree of visibility throughout the process, and “git push” to deploy to a container in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS).
GitKraken knows that many of our users are leveraging advanced DevOps techniques. We also recognize that your tools need to evolve as those DevOps practices become the norm. Check out one of our customers’ favorite tools we’ve created to make DevOps implementation visually easy here: pull request view.
Dylan Beattie of the Rockstar Programming Language
Dylan Beattie is a consultant, software developer, creator of the Rockstar programming language, and he’s performed his software-themed parodies of classic rock songs all over the world as Dylan Beattie and the Linebreakers. As the director of Ursatile, an independent consultancy based in London, Dylan specializes in helping organizations bridge the knowledge gap between software development and business strategy.
Tune in for Dylan’s talk, “Repos, Riffs, and Rockstar” for a look at some of the weird and wonderful ways that we can use distributed revision control to manage codebases and projects, a discussion about how we could apply Git’s ideas and patterns in other domains, and maybe even a musical surprise or two.
We know that there are a lot of ways folks leverage git and we are very happy to have him bring his perspective to the developer and non-developer ideas around Git.
Angel Rivera with a DevOps Course on Git & CI/CD

Angel is a Senior Developer Advocate at CircleCI. He has extensive experience in the private, public, and military sectors and his technical experience includes military/space lift operations, software development, SRE/DevOps engineering. He also has a wealth of experience in defense and federal sectors such as contracting information systems security and management.
Angel’s talk, “Gitinuous Delivery” will teach you how to increase your release cycles by implementing Git-Continuous Delivery along with strategies developers can implement to better understand and gain value from Git and CI/CD tooling combinations.
We are thrilled to have Angel bring his expertise on DevOps to the audience of GitKon. Publishing code quickly and efficiently has been and will continue to be a major pursuit for any developer, and this talk is sure to provide valuable insight on how you can start implementing better code delivery practices today.
We can’t wait for you to join us at GitKon
We are excited to announce this first round of speakers and will be announcing the next round of speakers and panelists soon. If you want to learn about DevOps, Git best practices, refine your code publishing process, stay up to date with industry trends, and more, GitKon has something for you. Stay up to date on additional speaker announcements and GitKon updates here and don’t forget to register. 👇
Watch these GitKon sessions to level up your Git skills. 🆙