A reimagined CLI experience
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Conquer Git Complexities with GitKraken CLI

Simplify multi-repo management and batch operations with one powerful tool.

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The Problem: Repetitive Repo Management

Repeated tasks across multiple repositories slow you down and spike error rates. Every update means more branches, more commits, more pull requests

Here's your typical microservices architecture

(or any setup with frontend/backend, shared libraries, etc.)

Making changes or adding new resources means:

Manually checking out branches in each repo, duplicating work across multiple codebases, creating PRs in each issue tracking system, and repeating the entire process for frontend/backend/shared libraries.

The Solution: Simplify Multi-Repo Work

Combine and manage related repos in a unified Workspace.

A simple, yet powerful approach
  • Create and manage repositories as a cohesive unit
  • Execute cross-repository operations with a single command
  • Dramatically reduce context switching and manual overhead
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Group PRs - in a single, simple command

With gk pr create, you can:

  1. Automatically detect changes across all workspace repos
  2. Push pending changes to remote branches
  3. Create pull requests simultaneously in your git provider
  4. Receive a consolidated view of all related pull requests
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One CLI, any Git provider or issue tracker
With gk issue start, you can:
  1. Access issues from all linked providers simultaneously
  2. Use type-ahead selection for intuitive issue picking
  3. Create synchronized branches across your workspace repos
  4. Customize repo inclusion/exclusion with flexible flags
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Standardization Across Your Development Team

We’re not just building a tool. We’re creating a comprehensive platform that drives team-wide productivity across every development touchpoint: CLI, GUI, IDE.

Unified development standards that meet developers where they are
  • Best practices (PR size, time to review, reminders)

  • Standardization (PR templates)

  • Automations

  • Workload balancing

  • Security and compliance

  • AI boosters
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